
A prize of £750 is offered annually for the best article in a topic related to medieval genealogy. There has been no uptake of this opportunity in recent years, but it remains open for entries or nominations.

Full details of the award and conditions for entry may be obtained here.

» List of previous winners.


  • One prize of £750 may be awarded annually (provided suitable entries are received). The judges may offer a higher award for exceptional work, at their discretion.
  • The Award is open to all, apart from specific restrictions shown in the full details.
  • It must represent original research on British or continental European medieval genealogy or prosopography. The work will be judged on its own merit. It must be unpublished (including on websites), and not submitted or pending publication elsewhere.
  • Candidates should submit a short work plan indicating the scope and approach, to confirm it will be eligible for consideration.
  • The research should be reported, in English, in an article of about 10000-15000 words. The article should follow the usual guidelines for Foundations.
  • Entries must be received by 30th November in any given year. The winning article will be published in the following issue of the FMG journal Foundations. The editor reserves the right to amend the text for publication.
  • Non-winning entries of suitable quality will also be considered for publication in Foundations.
  • Guidelines & Submissions information


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